Something of Value:
by Robert Ruark: "Before you take anything away, be certain that you are ready to replace it with something of value."
"What we have here, is a failure to communicate"
If we are looking to remake a #healthcare system that is efficient and compassionate, why would we continue to preserve the very portions of the old health care system that were anathema to the mission? Why would we carry those out-dated portions forward into the "new and improved" healthcare system? Seriously?
"Don't bother reading it, just sign it!"
"Don't bother reading it, just sign it!"
The major problem as I see it is: employer linked health care. It keeps people chained to jobs, which prevents them from pursuing brighter horizons. Healthcare benefits provided by an employer were always meant to be an optional benefit and were an inducement to attract and retain the best and the brightest.
It makes little sense to burden or inhibit an employer's objectives with the complications of healthcare administration... and then further complicate that regulation with IRS intervention and administrative oversight...and still further complicate their focused mission with the quandaries and the mires of investigating an employee's legal right to work or to reside in our country? How can this possibly create a fertile environment for innovation? Or, for the efficacy of healthcare? This unnecessarily complicated paradigm serves only to exacerbate the issues of unemployment, healthcare, right to work, immigration, taxation, migration, compensation, etc.
Demands placed upon employers for Healthcare and for immigration and investigative services are counter productive. Border security, which ensures the legal status and the right to work in our country is the number one mandate of a federal government...not of an employer! If that task were being done on the front line where it belongs, then others needn't be called upon further down the line. Terrorists seeking to do harm to the United States would not choose to enter at Kennedy Airport when we have made it readily apparent that the gates at our southern borders have been thrown open and our men, women and children have been told to look the other way. Only when security is breached in a blinding flash are employers then held accountable for not checking the immigration status of their employees.
That established:
If we are to remain a compassionate nation, then The Bill of Rights needs to be amended to include the right of equal access to equal heath care... YOU paid for it! R&D; University Grants, Subsidies, and countless other public and private funding means.
Let's face up to our realities. All of the statistical indicators would support a statement that contrary to the jingoist mantras and propaganda being perpetuated and promulgated, (See? My years in the service of our country taught me that word) we do not have "the best health care in the world." Waving the flag won't change the facts. While other nations are experiencing greater longevity and healthier lifestyles, we are actually losing ground. Our delivery system is failing us. Yet, we continue to pay the highest, most exorbitant rates in the world. Exactly what is it that impedes our delivery system? Convoluted Insurance, Excessive Administration, Fraud, Waste and Abuse. There appears to be nothing new in the health care law that would mitigate any of this. Or, that would indicate a willingness on the part of the Executive, Legislative or Judicial branches of government, or law enforcement to address these issues. The malware from the old hard drive has simply been ported over to the new hard drive. (We are capable of writing completely logical code for shouldn't be a stretch to apply the very same logical progression to a new and improved health care system. Better yet, get IBM's Watson to write a new health care bill for us! Seriously!)
Insurance was conceived to level the playing field...until they became "too big to fail" and were allowed to cherry pick. We hear from those who say, "I don't want to pay for someone else's bad behavior." We're already paying for uninsured motorists and Anthony Wiener. How fair is that? How does it possibly make sense that insurance companies are restricted to selling in their home state? We are a mobile population...why is National Insurance such a difficult concept?
There is something abhorrent about profit motivated health care. It doesn't pass the smell test. Technology is deliberately held back in the name of profit. Few providers in the healthcare industry want to shell out funds to remain on the cutting edge before or until they have realized all of their potential profit from existing or fading technologies. Are we doomed to rely on yesterday's technology while emerging nations jump right into the cutting edge?

Fools figure and figures fool!
The Day After Yesterday Is Here!
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