Kid Rock, in an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN stated, “I shake my finger at “The Boomers;” for the damage they have done.” Today’s headlines produce yet another deliberate defamation of Boomers: “Aging Boomers Strain Cities Built For The Young.” (Who built these cities?!!!)
Given the economic strife and the political turmoil that exist in our nation today, these types of headlines and scare tactics can lead to only one “final solution”...and it didn't turn out so very well the last time. Discriminatory and inflammatory headlines need to be addressed; they cannot be permitted to go unchallenged.
Over the past fifty years, boomers built this nation...they accepted the reigns and the responsibility from their parents who were known as “The Great Generation.” The infrastructure that we have today is a consequence of their blood, sweat and tears.
Boomers were also hustled off to fight for our nation…except that it wasn't by choice and they didn’t get to come home to parades of honor. When being discharged from active duty, we were “advised” to travel home in “civies” since our #servicemen were being spat upon by their own countrymen. And so we remained silent. When we did finally go to college, courtesy of a guilt laden GI Bill that was totally inadequate to the task, we realized that we were different from our classmates. We knew it...our lives had been permanently altered. We did our nation's bidding and our nation bid us adieu.
Now, in our senior years, Boomers and boomer #veterans are still being "figuratively" spat upon by a generation molded out of post revisionist history and selective amnesia. Boomers have permitted their “successors” to remain children well into adulthood and thus they lack the skill set and the accumulated wisdom necessary for benevolent despotism.
Those of us whose working lives are behind us find ourselves sinking in the mire of a wealth redistribution. Boomers continue to “give” all that they have worked their entire lives to secure, while that with which they are left is being taken from them.
Boomers should be known as “The Generous Generation.” Their greatest mistake was their magnanimity of prematurely passing on the reigns to “The Greedy Generation or The Entitled Generation”
(What else didn’t you like about the play Mrs. Lincoln?)
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